BSA Environmental Services is the industry leader for zooplankton analyses.
Zooplankton populations of cladocerans, copepods, and rotifers face the same challenges as all other animals -the need for food and oxygen, excretion of metabolic wastes, and reproduction. Although they are tiny, the relative abundance and diversity of these organisms dramatically influences energy flow, nutrient cycling, and community dynamics within aquatic ecosystems. In addition to being an important component of the
food web in aquatic systems, zooplankton are valuable indicators of changes
in water quality over time. Zooplankton analyses provide government
and commercial entities the necessary information to make informed
decisions about management and restoration of aquatic systems.
With over 26 years of experience, zooplankton analyses are
among BSA’s core competencies, having extensive experience
analyzing numerous freshwater, estuarine and marine zooplankton
samples from lakes, reservoirs, ponds, riverine, estuarine and
coastal systems throughout North America and Africa. BSA is
extremely knowledgeable of zooplankton biogeography. Our data
have been utilized in numerous published scientific articles and long term water quality studies. BSA performed the zooplankton analyses for the 2012 and 2017 USEPA National Lakes Assessment.

BSA provides accurate identification, enumeration, and biomass estimations. Accurate biomass estimates of zooplankters by species and developmental stage are essential for modeling ecological processes occurring in lakes. Biomass estimates of zooplankton can be made by either direct determination on a microbalance or estimated from length and/or width relationships. In addition, BSA also offers sampling method and preservation guidance, as well as study design of the zooplankton analysis for our clients. BSA produces voucher collections of zooplankton specimens with permanent slides of samples, mounted using standard techniques.
BSA provides accurate identification, enumeration, and biomass estimations. Accurate biomass estimates of zooplankters by species and developmental stage are essential for modeling ecological processes occurring in lakes. Biomass estimates of zooplankton can be made by either direct determination on a microbalance or estimated from length and/or width relationships. In addition, BSA also offers sampling method and preservation guidance, as well as study design of the zooplankton analysis for our clients. BSA produces voucher collections of zooplankton specimens with permanent slides of samples, mounted using standard techniques

BSA has extensive expertise analyzing population shifts before, during, and after severe droughts. We have provided several agencies with data and the appropriate analyses to track zooplankton population changes in drought challenged water bodies; including
Lake Mead, NV and Lake Okeechobee, FL.

Zooplankton identification
Biomass determination
Ash-free dry weight determination
Water quality indices calculation
Diversity indices calculation
Reference slide preparation
Statistical analyses
Larval fish gut content analyses