BSA provides exceptional diatom analyses at research quality,
cost-effective standards for government and commercial clients.
Each project we undertake is conducted in accordance with
prescribed client standards for quality of services in a diatom
Diatom identification is useful in determination of water quality in
natural and artificial bodies of water. Sample population data is used to
determine the existing water quality of a sample site. Additionally, diatoms collected from paleolimnological cores of lakes and ponds, or from historical riverine fish samples, can be utilized in the construction of the ecological history of a given body of water. Ecological history is a useful tool for establishing goals in ongoing water management programs.

Tow, grab, artificial substrate, fish intestine, and paleolimnological core diatom samples are acid digested, cleaned, and Naphrax mounted to produce permanent voucher slides in a diatom analysis. BSA scientists identify individual diatom valves to species level. The permanent diatom slides are then returned to the client for voucher collections.

Diatom identification and enumeration ​
Acid digestion and cleaning​
Reference slide preparation​
Paleolimnological core analysis​
Biovolume calculation​
Statistical analysis of data including water quality and diversity indices